Apple Watch

Apple Watch Ultra

It is not only a clock, but is also packed with various functions. A useful tool to keep track of your physical condition.

Apple Watch Ultra
Apple Watch Ultra

Watch-type device useful for health management

The Apple Watch is useful not only for its watch function, but also because it allows me to see my physical figures. In today’s IT-driven society, you don’t need a watch if you have a smartphone to keep accurate track of time, but I am an old-fashioned person and I just can’t get out of the habit of looking at my watch. I use mechanical watches with the same feeling.

The Apple Watch is also used as a wristwatch, as it provides information on calorie consumption, cardiorespiratory function and so on, but it is also useful for keeping track of my physical condition.

I am not physically fit because my own exercise is very light, but I have a habit of light running, and if my cardiopulmonary function is normal or higher than normal, my body is light and I feel good, so I look at the data called Vo2max. It is the maximum amount of oxygen that the body can consume during exercise, and is a value that indicates aerobic exercise and endurance. The actual measurement is done with a special device that applies a load to the body over a certain period of time, but the Apple Watch gives you a simple measurement, so you can get a rough idea of the value.

My figure of about 45 is based on a light running schedule of 6 or 7 km mixed with walking, which the Apple Watch measures during that light running, so it is not as high as the figures for serious runners or cyclists, but it is higher than the average figure for people in their 50s. 

Cardiopulmonary function of the Apple Watch (Vo2max)
Cardiopulmonary function of the Apple Watch (Vo2max)

The reason why I am aware of my Vo2max is because I am in my 50s and my body feels heavy and my head also feels heavy, but light exercise improves blood circulation and oxygenation throughout the body, so my body and head no longer feel heavy and I feel light and fit. In order to maintain this state, I continue with light running and try to keep track of my Vo2max at that time. I feel that this function alone is worth using the Apple Watch, and I use it every day.

The Apple Watch has a very wide variety of functions, and there are other useful functions, but the functions I mainly use at the moment are this function to keep track of my physical condition, which is called healthcare, and the function to record my daily calorie consumption and physical activity, which is called fitness. I use them.

My Apple Watch is the Apple Watch Ultra, which has a variety of functions, but the biggest reason I chose this watch is that the dial is large and I can manage to see it even with my presbyopia without reading glasses during exercise.

I also use an Apple iPhone, so I have a high affinity with it, and the fact that I can use it immediately after purchasing it without any problems is also a major reason.

If I wanted to get more serious about running or cycling, I could consider a smartwatch such as Garmin, but if I enjoy running or cycling for health maintenance and the feeling of light exercise, as I do, the Apple Watch is more than enough to get the data I need, so I am very satisfied with it. I am very satisfied with it.

I don’t think it will be very useful for you because I am talking about my level of light exercise, but if you want to exercise lightly from now on, I highly recommend this model.

When you exercise, if you feel the effects of taking data on a daily basis, it will last longer. It is quite a tedious task, but with the recent advances in IT technology, the device does it all, so why not use the device well and keep your body in good condition? Even 30 minutes a day of walking a little faster is more effective than doing nothing.

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